
Covid-19 Update - Royal Wolf

Royal Wolf wants to assure its supply chain partners and valued customers that we have processes and steps in place to ensure the health and wellbeing of our employees, contractors and supply partners for the management of COVID-19 along with ensuring support to our valued customers and partners through availability of products and services.

Our processes include:

  • Steps to prevent local spread in our workplaces such as enhanced cleaning of all surfaces, in particular, touch points such as workstations, common areas, lunchrooms, door handles, stair rails and other hard surfaces.
  • We have extended and provided additional cleaning and hand sanitizing capacity for our staff and we request visitors do not attend our sites without advanced noticed so appropriate measures and distancing can be put in place
  • Management of personnel travelling, quarantine requirements and limiting exposure in meetings through the use of multimedia technology; and
  • Pandemic Response and Business Contingency planning for any continued escalations of the situation.

Our processes and steps are in conjunction with the advice from the New Zealand Ministry of Health ( and the Commonwealth of Australia - Department of Health website ( We are regularly monitoring any updates from these sources and will follow and adopt any future requirements or guidelines.

Our focus is to ensure we meet our staff, partners and customer needs while doing our part to keep our communities safe. We are offering our support to Health Departments where required and our teams are available and ready.

We request any enquiries be in the first instance by phone or online and that if a face-to-face meeting is required on our sites that any attendees do not present if they have knowingly had contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19 or are showing any signs and symptoms. Royal Wolf staff will reciprocate in kind. If you have further concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to your local branch or our Health and Safety team.



Register for our Customer Business Portal that allows you access to your account via desktop or mobile, from the office or working from home.

Some of the features include:

  • Creating new container quotes - priority is given to quotes submitted via the portal
  • Viewing existing quotes
  • Managing containers currently on-hire
  • Viewing statements and invoices and making secure payments 24/7

Contact us on 1300 651 700 to register or speak to our Live Chat team during business hours.

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