

As Government-imposed restrictions are relaxed, and travel and events resume across Australia, businesses are staying vigilant in the prevention of COVID-19 by implementing obligatory temperature testing.

Royal Wolf and former Australian Rugby Union player Warwick Waugh have come up with an efficient and effective way to provide safe, contactless testing, by housing special heat sensing technology in a shipping container. The Temperature Testing Units are an ideal solution for sporting events, hospitals, airports, schools, universities, buildings sites.

The testing process is quick and easy, with results delivered in a couple of seconds.

The Temperature Testing Units come complete with heat sensing technology that utilises artificial intelligence and facial recognition. Once testing is complete, temperature results and photographs are recorded – and up to 500,000 cases can be stored at any given time. Once set-up, the innovative heat sensing technology is self-operating, meaning there is no need to have staff involved in taking temperatures and recording results. 

Chris Tolhurst, Regional Manager NSW/ACT at Royal Wolf, says:

“Royal Wolf shipping containers are the perfect place to house the heat sensing technology. We have created a temperature controlled environment within a shipping container that allows body temperature to be recorded quickly and accurately. The unit is easily transportable, secure and can be set up on a site ready for use,” says Chris.

Royal Wolf staff member in the Temperature Testing Unit

A Royal Wolf employee in the Termperature Testing Station

Warwick Waugh, who channeled his passion for design and strategy into the new venture, said the units were devised to respond to four crucial needs:

“Businesses can’t resume operations until their staff and customers feel safe to come in and engage – and they ensure they’re abiding by government regulations. Basically, it’s about prevention, detection and action. Testing people as they arrive through the gate, providing real time results and capturing the data for tracing, ensuring the process is as efficient and dignified as possible, and providing a testing solution that’s scalable and cost effective,” he says.

The heat sensing technology delivers a high temperature ready for Warwick Waugh (demonstration pusposes only)

“This is really exciting news for sporting bodies on a local and national level as they move towards getting players back on the field doing what they love.”

Temperature Testing Units are available now to order from Royal Wolf and can be built and deployed in 3-5 days (depending on the unique requirements).

To find out more about Royal Wolf’s Temperature Testing Units and their capabilities, get in touch by calling 1300 651 700.

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