Purpose of this Policy
To prohibit Modern Slavery in the operations of Royal Wolf Trading Australia Pty Limited and its
supply chain.
This policy should be read in conjunction with;
HRCP002 – Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy
HRCP011 – Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
Whistleblower Policy – December 2019
Employee Handbook
What is Modern Slavery
Modern Slavery is any instance of slavery, servitude or forced labour to exploit children or other persons taking place in the supply chain or internal operations of government, non-government agencies or commercial organisations. It can include actions such as deceptive recruiting for labour or services.
It covers a range of exploitative practices including, but not limited to, human trafficking, forced labour, child labour, forced marriage, debt bondage or serfdom.
Royal Wolf and its related companies, must not engage, in any manner, in an act of Modern Slavery
either directly or through its supply chain.
Royal Wolf will review its supply chain annually to identify the risk of involvement in Modern Slavery.
Royal Wolf embraces ethical labour practices and values and promotes diversity. Consistent with these values, Royal Wolf has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of Modern Slavery in its operations and those of its supply chain.
Breaches of this Policy
A breach of this Policy will be investigated and appropriate actions taken. This may include reporting to relevant authorities and/or termination of agreements or contracts. Should an internal breach be identified this may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Modern Slavery Act 2018 No.153, 2018 Australian Federal Government Legislation
Modern Slavery Act 2018 No 30 NSW Government Legislation
Changes to Policies
Royal Wolf may change, rescind or add to this policy from time-to-time in its discretion.
Enquiries and Further Information
If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact [email protected]